Academy of Realist Art

Still Life Painting

21 Mar, 2025
23 Mar, 2025

Duration: 3 days
Location: ARA Toronto
Instructor: Miriam Rosenthal
Full Price: $450
Deposit Required: $150

Still Life Painting


Still life painting allows students to work with a variety of objects, explore composition, and practice creating shapes and building forms. Students will learn how to simplify a still life into abstract shapes in order to accurately draw the objects while using hard and soft edges and contrasting values to give it depth.

14 in stock


Still life painting allows students to select and work with a variety of objects, explore composition and lighting, and practice creating shapes and building forms without worrying about the objects moving.

This 3 day workshop will introduce the fundamental stages of painting. Starting with the drawing then moving to local colour, big form modeling, first painting, and then finally second painting. Students will learn how to simplify a still life into abstract shapes in order to accurately draw the objects while using hard and soft edges and contrasting values to give it depth. The method students will be taught in this workshop is called indirect painting. This technique lends to a beautiful luminosity that you can only achieve through the thin oily layers on top of opaque layers. Give the limited time students will use the assistance of dryers to help with the layering

Participants will leave with a stronger understanding of shape, form, colour and composition as well as getting comfortable with the stages of painting which they will be able to apply to their own work.


The class will meet at our studio from 10 am – 4 pm ET each day.

Full workshop price is $450,and a $150 deposit is required to save your easel. The balance will be due on the first day of the workshop.


Oil Colours

  • Titanium White or Lead (Cremnitz) White
  • Cad Yellow Med
  • Yellow Ochre Light or Pale
  • Cad Red Med
  • Alizarin Crimson
  • Raw Umber or Burnt Umber
  • Burnt Sienna or Red Umber
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Viridian Green
  • Ivory Black or Lamp Black
Note: Purchase only Artist Grade paints. Do not use Winton or water soluble paints.


  • Odorless mineral spirits (GamSol). Turpentine is NOT permitted in the studio.


  • Linseed oil
  • Liquin or another alkyd dryer


  • panel or canvas, 11"x14" or 16″x20″


  • Palette (Select one of the following): Glass, wood or paper (Grey Matters)
  • 2 Palette knives; long blades
  • 2 Medium cups (small cups with lids for holding medium or mineral spirits)
  • 2 Small jars for cleaning brushes
  • Mahl stick (a ½ inch diameter dowel approximately 30 inches)
  • Rags or paper towels or shop towels
  • Knitting needle

Brushes (either natural or synthetic hair)

Note: these are the minimum brush requirements – please feel free to bring more.
  • 2-3 Bristle hair filbert brushes – ranging in size from #2 to #8
  • 10-20 Soft hair filbert brushes – ranging in size from #2 to #12


About ARA Workshops

Each participant gets lots of one-on-one attention from our superb instructors. ARA instructors teach year round so, unlike many artists who offer summer/holiday workshops our instructors are professional teachers as well as accomplished artists. Whether you are an award-winning experienced artist or have never painted before, our instructors will tailor to your skill level. If you have any questions or are having trouble with online registration, please contact us.